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N-23B-242-001 - NOTES - Classeur N - Fonds d'archives Baulin


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  • Des interviews exclusives de Dja-Apharou ISSA IBRAHIM, ami et confident de Jacques Baulin, responsable par donation de l’intégralité des documents constituant le fond, et président de l’association sont actuellement publiées dans la rubrique présentation.

  • Les trois ouvrages de J. Baulin : Conseiller du président Diori, La politique africaine d’Houphouët-Boigny et La politique intérieure d’Houphouët-Boigny
    seront disponibles sur le site en version iBook et en version Pdf dès septembre

The Water-Sure

The Challenge

Two- thirds of all the people on this earth drink and bathe in water which is insanitary, germladen or subject to contaminations at any moment. The supplying of disibfected water to backward areas, especially in the developing nation, is therefore recognized as a paramount goal, next only to the prevention of actual starvation.

More personns die as a result of contaminated water than from all wars, natural disasters and human mistakes combined. Despite the frightening loss of life caused bu war’s ravages in viet Nam, for instance,far more soldiers and civilians die of water-born diseases than from bullets and bombs.

Natural disasters and armed conflicts create big headlines bu the insidious loss of life caused by disease and emdemic illness carried by water do more to undermine the health and welfare of backward and developing nations. In vas areas of Asia, Africa, Central and South america, millions of persons are unable to work full time because of water-related diseases. lllness accounts for at least one week off the job each month and other side effects further reduce productivity. The loss to industry in manhours is stupendous and the cost to society in the nations involved is beyond measure.

Death and illness from impure water can strike because of unsanitary conditions in teeming cities with millions of inhabitants and from the same conditions in isolated villages, outposts on the bush and desert, or in small schools, mining centers and frontier camps.

Typhoid Fever, Cholera, Amebic Dysentery, Bacillary dysentery, Viral Gastro-Enteritis ans many other bacterial or parasitic diseases are transmitted by water. As long as millions of uneducated persons continue to disregard or remain ignorant od these facts, illness and death will be common over more than half the earth’s inhabited area.

In highly developed nations, impure water constitutes a frightening menace when disasters disrupt normal life. Floods, hurricanes and drougths destroy or endanger water systems and sewage lines. Even in such advanced countries there are backward communities in rural areas and such centers as indian reservations where a source of sanitary water would cu out the death
and illness rates dramatically .

The Cure

With a few rare exceptions, water for drinking, cooking and bathing can be made sanitary through the use of one of mankind’s oldest ans best known germ killers -Chlorine. Public health offficials have known this for years. The problem is to get people to use this tested chemical in the right way and do it 365 days in the year.

Even though the water supply of some large cities is protected at municipal installations., residents in rural areas, where streams are full of human waste and most household water comes from surface pools and open tanks, are unprotected. they cannot afford the large systems treated with gaseous chlorine,which is exceedingly dangerous to handle and requires the constant vigilance of trained workers. In small outposts ans hamlets there are no such trained personnel available, even if an expensive system could be installed. Moreover, in small communities, there is no foreseeable need for such costly apparatus for years to come.

That, then, is the situation. Until recently the residents of rural districts were caught on the horns of a tragic dilemma ; needing pure water but unable to afford a system to insure it.

E-Coli Destruction by Chlorine

The Pratical Answer

World water Ressources,Inc., has invented , improved and now manufactures a unit suitable for use in small communities that will insure an adequate supply of safe, potable water. It is known as the Water-Sure, for sanitary drinking water. The unit is inexpensive. It is so light it can be carried easily by a man or boy. It uses chlorine in a form that is completely safe and which costs less than 5 cents annually per person for human consumption. No power other than gravity is required - and it can be installed in 30 minutes with no tool except a screwdriver and maintained by untrained workers after a few minutes of instruction. Full detailled specifications will be found on later pages.

The importance of this device cannot be over-emphasized . Weighing only three kilos, it can be carried into jungle or desert by human porter, on mule back, or in a small boat as easily as a shovel or lantern. Built of durable plastic, it is virtually impervious to weather, corrosion or deterioration. As it requires neither heat, electricity, gas nor mechanical power, its potential in the field is unlimited, whether for permanent use or in the days immediately following a disaster.

the Water-Sure represents, in fact, a marriage betweeen a century-old chemical and a modern, light-weight, fool-proof device for use by public health officials in backward areas or by members of expeditions or work parties. It has been tested in the laboratory and in the field and has been shown to be 100 percent effective in killing the micro-organisms that cause TYphoid Fever,Cholera, Bacterial Dysentery and other water-borne diseases

Test in the areas of East Pakistan, now Banglasdesh, which were ravaged by the disastrous typhoon of 1970 were especially dramatic. World Water Ressources officials demonstrated the Water-Sure I at a source of contaminated water outside Dacca, the capital . All the common water-borne disease were present in the water supply then being used. Two days later a Water-Sure was connected to a typical native cistem, also severely contaminated. Within a matter of minutes in both tests the equipment was producing germ -free, safe water.


The cardinal factor in the efficacy of the world Water Ressources Rural Water Chlorination System - the full name for the Water-Sure -is its simplicity. Water flowing from any source moves by gravity through the small unit,where tablets of calcium hypochlorite, a handy, saf form of chlorine, are housed in a container. A fine-screen strainer filters out dirt particles that could shelter germs from the clhorine and the chemical sanitizes the water as it flows through the unit

The advantages of using calcium hypochlorite tablets are obvious. Chlorine gas, such as is used in large systems, is highly dangerous and its introduction into water must be controlled at all times to prevent over - or under- dosage. The tablets are packed for safety and purity, areeasy to handie and to resupply the unit, while automatically meeting the sterilizing demands of any flow of water. As over- chlorination is avoided, there is no noticeable taste, smell or change in water appearance.

Economically speaking, ther is no valid comparison between the Water-Sure and other systems using gas, electricity or mechanical power. The small field unit costs only 1/500 of what it would cost to install a gas chlorination plant. One unit will meet the needs of a small village, mining camp, school, hospital or similar institution. For larger communities two units can be used in parellel to sterilize up toi 200,000 gallons of water a day.

Proof of its ultimate simplicity is shown by the fact that a workman witch a secrewdrivedr can install a unit to a cistern or water pipe in thirty minutes. From that time on, the Water -Sure will function with assured safety and continuity by adding a supply of calcium hypochlorite tablets once or twice a week as required.

Parenthetically, this use is not the only one for which the Water-Sure can be adapted. Where desired a unit can bee applied to serve as an effective waste water decontamination device.

The Tools

The Water-Sure is shown in diagrammatic form :

Water flows from source (A) into the source pipe (B) attached to the unit (C). Water passes through the system emptying into the catch basin (D). Automatic control float (E) assures proper flow control. Pipe (F) is an outlet for the processed water.

The water source can be a cistem, stream, pool, river, lake, well, spring or storage tank.
The source pipe can vary in length from 1 meter to several hundred meters ; the catch basin can be a reservoir, local drinking fountain, barrel or tank. THe float control automatically activates the system to allow more processed water to be suppied as the float falls in the reservoir.

In a community witch a central water supply that is contaminated or suspect, the Water-Sure can be installed between the central supply line and a school, hotel, hospital or other installation, thus assuring the users in those institutions an adequate supply of safe and sanitary water regardless of the original water supply.

The water-Sure that been described in the foregoing pages is the basic small, easily carried module.Other units of larger capacity are available where need for a larger output of sanitary water is essential.

The water-Sure chlorination system is an inexpensive, fool-proof and effective device for killing germs that may cause water-borne diseases which annually cause the death ans illnesses of untold hundreds of thousands in backward and rural areas of the world.
It is the answer to the Public Health official’s prayer for a system that can be moved easily by hand, installed by non-professionnal workmen and which will work automatically with virtually no supervision and no repairs.

it needs neither heat, gas, electricity nor mechanical power, operating by force of gravity alone. At a cost of about fice cents a year, it can supply the average inhabitant of a small community with all his basic needs for sanitary, potable water.

Wherever used, in populated areas with contiminated water sources, in the jungle, desert or isolated rural territory, it can kill the micro-organisms that cause Amebic Dysentery, typhoid Fever, Chlolera and most other water-borne diseases. It also cuts down diseases of livestock and inscreases the safety factor when foods are being washed for the market.

in the simplest of terms, the Water-Sure can revolutionize the health picture in rural areas and in the developing nations, dramatically reducing illness, absenteeism caused by disease and the present tragically high death rate.


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