Des interviews exclusives de Dja-Apharou ISSA IBRAHIM, ami et confident de Jacques Baulin, responsable par donation de l’intégralité des documents constituant le fond, et président de l’association sont actuellement publiées dans la rubrique présentation.
Les trois ouvrages de J. Baulin : Conseiller du président Diori, La politique africaine d’Houphouët-Boigny et La politique intérieure d’Houphouët-Boigny
seront disponibles sur le site en version iBook et en version Pdf dès septembre
The object of the study is to examine and expand on the Republic of Niger prepared in August 1969 by De Leuw , Carter & Compagny of Canada Limited for the Canadian International Development Agency .
The study will consider the feasibility of constructing the Route de L’Unité placing emphasis on both the economic and intangible benefits of the project . It is recognized that the project is not economically feasible in the conventional sense and would not satisfy the requirements of an international multilateral lending agency . It is also recognized that project is one of vital importance to the Gouvernement of the Republic of Niger and as such should be examined in greater depth than was done during the initial reconnaissance study .
The Consultants will perform all field investigations and related work necessary to produce a report on the project . The investigations will include but not be limited to the following poitnts :
1. Economic Potential of the Area .
The economic potential of the area will be examined in more detail paying particular attention to the fisheries in Lake Chad , the cattle industry and the proposed agricultural scheme at Diffa . By interviews in Diffa , N’Guigmi , Mainé Soroa , Kélakam and Goudé Maria and by meeting with Gouvernement officials , representatives of business Commissin officials , a picture of the possible potential of the area will be obtained . The location and size of the markets which for the goods which might be produced in the area will be considered . Estimates will be made of the investiment which would have to the be made by Government or private interests in order to develop the potential of the area .
2. Traffic
Based on the forecast economic development of the area a more specific estimate of traffic growh on the route will be made .
3. The possible affect of the well drilling program which will of necessity accompany the road construction will be examined and an assessment made of its possible impact on the area’s economy . In this respect particular attention will be paid to the area north and east of Mainé Soroa where artisian pressures exict . The cost and value of maintaining pumps for the wells between Mainé Soroa and Goré will also be assessed .
4. The construction program as outlined in the De Leuw , Cather report xwill be commented on and described in greater detail . Particular emphasis will be placed on the Direct Labour method of construction described and recommendations made on the administrative details of the type of work .
5. The equipment requirements for direct labour construction will be examined and plans outlined for the required training of mechanics and operators either in Canada or Niger .
6. Suggestions will be made regarding any further training programs which might be incorporated into the project and comments made of their possiple affect on the economy .
7. Based on the level of maintenance recommended an estimate will be made of the value of the equipment at the end of the project in terms of its usefulness for further work on the other projects .
8. The geometric standards proposed for the road will be examined and comments made on the affect that reducing the width of the pavement would have on usefulness and cost of the road .
9. Based on the traffic as predicted under item 2 above consideration will be given to the affect on expected maintenaance costs of the addition of a single surface treatment wearing course to the typical section proposed in the De Leuw , Carter report .
10. Consideration will be given to possible feeder roads which may be required to increase the value of the route and to the methods by which they could be constructed .
11. General comments will be made on the political implications of the route and the role it could play in the overall development of the country .
The Consultant will send a two man team to Niger consisting of a project director and an assistant engineer who will collect data on which to base the report . A fisheries expert will also visit the area and will examine the potential of the fishing industry in the N’Guigmi area of Lake Chad . Experts in other field such as agriculture and economics will also be consulted . The total time required for the project would be approximately 3 months .
The Consultant will require ground transportation in Niamey and in the project area for a period of up to 5 weeks . Lignt aircraft will also be requied , probably twice during this period between Zinder and N’Guigmi with one trip from N’Guigmi to Fort Lamy .
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