Des interviews exclusives de Dja-Apharou ISSA IBRAHIM, ami et confident de Jacques Baulin, responsable par donation de l’intégralité des documents constituant le fond, et président de l’association sont actuellement publiées dans la rubrique présentation.
Les trois ouvrages de J. Baulin : Conseiller du président Diori, La politique africaine d’Houphouët-Boigny et La politique intérieure d’Houphouët-Boigny
seront disponibles sur le site en version iBook et en version Pdf dès septembre
TIMES 2.4/69
A Strong supporter of Mr. Wilson’s lpolicy towards Nigeria is now in London and waiting to see him on his return from Lagos and Addis Ababa : President Diori Hamani , of the Niger Republic . Nigeria’s northern and largely Saharan neighbour . He considers that Britain is properly following its traditional policy of maintaining a single Nigeria , just as it is right for Britain to get into the Common Market . It is wrong fir General de Gaulle to keep Britain out , to back Biafran secession , or to seek to seek to draw Quebec away from Canada . Only Rfance , not la Francophonie . Wanis any such thing he toid me .
A bluff , vigorous, outspoken man , who believes that histoty is on the side if states , cultures and economic blocks , the President has little use for Britain’s emotional attitude - for which he blames the press - to the bombings of civiliants and starvation in Biafra .
" I am an African , and ifeel this suffering more than people here can ", he told me . " But European intervention and techniques are more to blame . More children died in Katalanga and Kasai , when you backed secession there , than have in Biafra . Bombing was developed in Europe and carried out out on Dresden . It is in you interest that Nigeria should remain united , just as it is in Africa’s interest . You are opposed to de Gaulle in Europe , but you fall for his policy in Biafra . I shall never understang Europeans !"
Diori Hamani , who has twice been a French parliamentary deputy , probably understands Europeans well enough . Convinced that Africans must build own unity , he has learant English .
The first day of his visit he spent touring British atomic power plants before speding an entire evening with Michael Stewart . Uranium has been discovered in large quantities in Niger , a poor country which lacks power . Yes , president Diori agreed , it would he logical to build nuclear power stations a Niger , but he would not commit himself to the advantage of a specifically Britich one - only to an exchange of Niger uranium for western nucear skills . "I shall not go against history " , he said " and export uranium siply to import coal and oil to provide Niger with power ".
President Diori Hamani
He is here at the right moment , and so is Madame Diori Hamani . While the President clambered about Dungeness , she went to Newmarket . She is a successful breeder of horses in Niger .
Rare honour
David Oistrakh is to receive an honorary degree at Cambridge this summer , i hear . He becomes the second contemporary Soviet musician tobe thus honoured latterly : Mstislaw Rostropovich , the great cellist , pipped him to the post at St. Andrews last year . In fact Combridge had been hoping to honour the violinist last summer , too , but concert comminitments in Moscow conneeted with his sixtieth for him to come over .
He will be coming over just for the ceremony on June 5, and -as a gesture of gratitude - to take part in a consert the day before at the Cambridge Cguildhall with the Cambridge University Musical Society , which
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